Kevin Thomas

2 min

Stupid Things Employees Click On

While most companies invest in cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and employee training, the human factor remains one of the weakest links in the security chain. One of the most common ways that employees inadvertently put their companies at risk is by clicking on malicious links or attachments. In this blog post, we'll explore the 20 "Stupid Thingsā€ employees click on that put their company at cyber risk.

Cyber Training Clicking on Links You Should Not

Companies should invest in regular employee training on cybersecurity best practices, including recognizing and avoiding these types of threats. Doing so can reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect your sensitive data and reputation. Learn more about how we introduce or manage your cybersecurity training.

  1. Suspicious email links: Employees may receive emails with links that appear to be from a trusted source but are actually malicious.

  2. Unknown email attachments: Employees may receive emails with attachments from unknown senders that can contain malware.

  3. Phishing emails: Employees may receive emails that appear to be from a trusted source but are actually designed to trick them into providing personal or sensitive information.

  4. Pop-up ads: Employees may click on pop-up ads that lead to malicious websites.

  5. Social media scams: Employees may fall for social media scams that lead them to malicious links or encourage them to share sensitive information.

  6. Fake software updates: Employees may click on fake software updates that can install malware on their computers.

  7. USB drives: Employees may insert unknown USB drives into their computers, which can contain malware.

  8. Fake job offers: Employees may fall for fake job offers that require them to provide sensitive information.

  9. Free software downloads: Employees may download free software that can contain malware.

  10. Unsecured public Wi-Fi: Employees may use unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, which can be used by hackers to intercept their data.

  11. Personal email accounts: Employees may use personal email accounts to send and receive company information, which can be hacked.

  12. Outdated software: Employees may use outdated software that can contain security vulnerabilities.

  13. Social engineering: Employees may fall for social engineering tactics such as pretexting, baiting, or quid pro quo.

  14. Clickbait headlines: Employees may click on clickbait headlines that lead them to malicious websites.

  15. Fake news stories: Employees may click on fake news stories that lead them to malicious websites.

  16. Infected websites: Employees may visit infected websites that can infect their computers with malware.

  17. Remote desktop connections: Employees may use remote desktop connections that can be hacked by cybercriminals.

  18. Personal devices: Employees may use personal devices to access company data, which can be lost or stolen.

  19. Email scams: Employees may fall for email scams that require them to wire money or provide sensitive information.

  20. Password reuse: Employees may reuse passwords across multiple accounts, which can make them vulnerable to hacking.