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Vulnerability Assessments for Manufacturing

As smart manufacturing equipment becomes more prevalent, so do the cyber threats. Don't leave your business vulnerable to attacks. 

Protect your manufacturing business from cyber threats

Are you looking for someone to help with a vulnerability scan? Guess what? Integrated Cyber can execute a one-time or continuous vulnerability scan to help you find where you're exposed across your IT systems. Our aim is to help you ensure the privacy of your students and staff, and enable you to focus on your core mission of providing quality education. Where should you start? 


  • Vulnerability Scan / Assessment and Remediation

  • Cyber Training 

  • Overall cybersecurity consultation

Factory IT SOS? We're Here!

Free Vulnerability Assessment Guide

No strings attached, and no contact information required.​


Information to Help Your Search

Top 10 Issues Facing the Manufacturing Sector

The top 10 cybersecurity issues you should focus on and provide actionable steps to remediate these risks before they impact your company

Vulnerability Assessments

One-time assessments can be extremely valuable when you need to establish a baseline and reflect on the initial findings before committing to continuous measurement or even more frequent one-time schedules. 

Vulnerability vs. Penetration Testing

Two crucial elements of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Explore the importance of penetration testing, its key differences from vulnerability scanning, and how it contributes to a strong security posture.

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